The Essilor Stellest lens is Essilor’s greatest solution for combating myopia in children, and its clinical efficacy has been demonstrated. We feel that our children’s vision is crucial to their growth. Our children’s daily lives are now dominated by close-up viewings, such as utilizing digital devices, rather than playing outside. As a result, more children are affected by myopia (shortsightedness) at a younger age. This raises the risk of developing High Myopia, which can cause serious vision problems.
Myopia can have a negative impact on a child’s development.
Did you know that vision accounts for more than 80% of a child’s learning? Playing, writing, reading, learning about the world and etc. Myopia can have a significant influence on a child’s vision and life.
Myopia is becoming more common in children at a younger age, owing to a rise in sedentary indoor lives and an increase in time spent doing close tasks. The earlier a youngster develops myopia, the more advanced and elevated it gets. Studies show that high myopia can cause severe visual impairment that cannot be corrected with standard lenses. It may even increase the risk of eye complications in later years.
Children who develop short-sightedness at a young age are at a higher risk of acquiring excessive myopia and visual impairments later in life. For instance, -7.00D myopia kids have a higher risk of developing visual impairment than -4.00D myopia.
Essilor Stellest lens slow down the progression of myopia increase in kids

Thanks to the Essilor Stellest lens, we can now control the progression of myopia. The earlier the progression of myopia in a child is controlled, the less impact it has in the long run.
Effectiveness of Stellest lenses in myopia control
-Correct myopia and provides clear vision

Short-sightedness is corrected using Stellest lenses in the same way as single vision lenses are corrected. The unifocal vision zone precisely focuses light on the retina. This guarantees good visual sharpness and greater visual comfort for the child.
-Stops myopia from getting worse with H.A.L.T. (Highly Aspherical Lenslet Target) technology

A constellation of 1021 invisible lenslets formed the Stellest lens. A volume of signal is created in front of the child’s retina by the unique constellation of lenslets, which acts as a brake on the eye’s lengthening. This signal aids in the slowing of eye elongation and, as a result, myopia progression.
Based on a study, when worn for at least 12 hours each day, Essilor Stellest lenses delay the progression of myopia by 67 percent on average, compared to normal lenses.
(Two-year prospective, controlled, randomized, double-masked clinical trial results on 54 myopic children wearing Stellest™ lenses compared to 50 myopic children wearing single vision lenses. Results based on 32 children who declared wearing Stellest™ lenses at least 12 hours per day every day. Bao, J. et al. (2021). One-year myopia control efficacy of spectacle lenses with aspherical lenslets. Br. J. Ophthalmol. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-31836)

Short-sightedness may be a problem for my child. What should I do?
Short-sightedness is a common eye problem that can be caused by genetics, lifestyle, or environmental factors. If both parents have myopia, a child’s chances of developing myopia are even higher. Myopia can develop as early as the age of six. If a young child has an eye condition, it may be difficult for them to explain, and they may not even be aware of it. When it comes to detecting myopia in young children, it is usually the parents, older siblings, or teachers in school who notice it first.
It’s possible that your child has short-sightedness if you observe them struggling to see the TV screen clearly or if their teacher has stated that they have trouble seeing a whiteboard in class. Myopia is characterized by difficulties seeing objects that are far away, which is frequently accompanied by a headache or eye tiredness.
If you suspect your child is short-sighted, you can test their vision with these simple exercises. For example, standing at various distances with a sheet of paper and writing on it to see when it becomes difficult to read. The optometrist will be able to detect any vision abnormalities if you take your child for regular eye exams. When kids start school or if you observe any changes in their behavior, you should consider getting them an eye exam.